Life Smart project participates in the SecCarb4Steel workshop
01 August 2024
The workshop SecCarb4Steel (Secondary carbon carrier workshop) will take place as on-line events on the 15, 22 and 29 of November 2024.
The second session is dedicated to “Non-biogenic SCC for iron and steelmaking”. The LIFESMART project and results will be presented by Mario Avila (Ghent University) and Jean Borlée (CRM).
The presentation from Mario Avila (Ghent University) will focus on the techno-economic and environmental assessment of the first technical option, direct charging in coke ovens as a small fraction of the coal blend.
The presentations from Jean Borlée (CRM) will focus on the second technical option, torrefaction and injection in the BF, focusing on the testing of the various waste materials, blended with B-wood via initial waste characterisation, small-scale tests (TGA, crucible tests) and pilot tests (batch tests and pilot rotary kiln tests).
This workshop is organized by ESTEP, the European Steel Technology Platform.